AdventureGenie, a groundbreaking venture, has proudly launched the world’s premier RV and camping travel planning tool, driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI). The brainchild of Scott Lengel, an ex-senior technology executive from Microsoft, and seasoned CEO/Investor David Greenberg, AdventureGenie harnesses cutting-edge technology to cater to the unique needs of RV travelers.
This innovative platform doesn’t just craft itineraries; it tailors journeys based on popular-themed trips, complete with comprehensive trip guides and curated recommendations for campgrounds and activities. For those seeking a holistic travel planning solution for RVs, camping, and road trips, AdventureGenie stands unparalleled. Discover more at
A Comprehensive Database with Unique Features
Boasting a vast database of over 25,000 public and private campgrounds, AdventureGenie employs proprietary AI algorithms to personalize itineraries for every user. The platform introduces pioneering features like GenieSummaries, offering concise campground descriptions; GenieScores, a novel rating system; and GenieMatch, which gauges the compatibility of each campground with individual users.
Travel enthusiasts can now identify campgrounds that align with their preferences and seamlessly make reservations. Integrated within AdventureGenie’s route planning and campground selection tool is GenieWishes, which crafts an itinerary based on users’ desires, stop by stop.
Scott Lengel, AdventureGenie’s CEO, elaborated, “We answer the three key questions on campers’ and RVers’ minds: What to do? How to get there? Where to stay? Our GenieTrips offer detailed itineraries for numerous popular destinations.
With our expansive database and the magic of GenieSummaries, GenieScores, and GenieMatch, we pinpoint the ideal campgrounds for every traveler. Our flexible route planning tool recommends AI-curated GenieStops and integrates seamlessly with our campground database and GenieTrips.”
Simplifying the RV and Camping Trip Planning Process
Traditionally, planning RV and camping trips has been a daunting task, often necessitating multiple websites and apps. While some apps might offer decent route planners, they often fall short in listing comprehensive campgrounds near a stop. Existing platforms rarely align with the typical RV planning process, and campground ratings can be dubious at best.
AdventureGenie’s brilliance lies in its ability to think like real travelers, consolidating all essential planning tools under one roof and transforming a vision into a memorable trip.
David Greenberg, Chairman of AdventureGenie, shared his personal experience, stating, “AdventureGenie addresses the primary challenge my wife and I faced while planning RV vacations: the need for a comprehensive platform for RVers and campers to craft their dream trip. The answer is a resounding YES.”
AdventureGenie, co-founded by Scott Lengel and David Greenberg, introduces the world’s first AI-powered RV and camping travel planning tool. With a vast database and innovative features like GenieSummaries, GenieScores, and GenieMatch, the platform simplifies the trip planning process, offering tailored itineraries and recommendations. AdventureGenie aims to be the ultimate one-stop solution for RV and camping enthusiasts.
Hi, I’m Oren, founder at BIGINTRO, a content strategy agency that helps B2B companies drive growth. We develop search, social, PR, and content marketing strategies tailored to business goals. I also have a dog named Milo.