Five years ago, Emily Wickard embarked on a journey that started with a Google search and a small “showroom” in her dining room. Fast forward to August 2023, and her company, Avara, has secured the top spot on the Inc. 5000 list as the fastest-growing e-commerce business in the United States. In this article, we’ll delve into how Avara achieved this remarkable feat and discover the strategies behind its impressive growth.
From Dining Room to Victory Park: Avara’s Evolution
Late in August, Avara, a Dallas-based e-commerce women’s retailer, celebrated the launch of its Fall 2023 clothing collection at The Henry in Victory Park. The event featured influential figures from the fashion and lifestyle industry, all donning Avara’s latest fall line outfits. But Avara’s success story goes far beyond glamorous events; it’s rooted in strategic planning and embracing the digital era.
The No. 1 Fastest-Growing E-Commerce Business
In August 2023, Avara secured the coveted title of the No. 1 fastest-growing e-commerce business in the United States on the Inc. 5000 list, boasting an impressive 1,089% three-year revenue growth. This marked the second consecutive year that Avara made the list, and it also earned the distinction of being the No. 4 fastest-growing women’s retailer nationwide and the 20th fastest-growing company in the Dallas-Fort Worth region.
Starting Small and Growing Big
Avara’s journey began with a humble Google search, as founder Emily Wickard decided to open an online boutique. “It was a very grassroots approach, and, honestly, I Googled how to start an online clothing boutique and went from there,” Wickard explained. Her goal was clear: to offer stylish, colorful clothing accessible to women of all ages, filling a market void she had experienced as a shopper.
The Role of Social Media
Wickard initially launched Avara on Facebook, leveraging her experience and investing in a few pieces to sell directly on the platform. As Avara grew, so did its social media strategy, incorporating partnerships with fashion and lifestyle influencers and brand ambassadors across the country. These influencers played a crucial role in amplifying Avara’s brand message and reaching a broader audience.
Leveraging E-Commerce Technology
Investing in efficient e-commerce technology was a game-changer for Avara. Early adoption of the right order fulfillment software allowed the company to scale quickly and optimize its processes to meet customer demands accurately and swiftly. This commitment to technology played a significant role in Avara’s rapid growth.
Listening to Customers
Avara’s success has been driven by its commitment to customer feedback. The company developed a proprietary data and analytics system to project product selections, set pricing, and manage inventory effectively. By staying close to its customers, Avara built an authentic community and a loyal customer base.
Balancing E-Commerce and Physical Retail
While Avara’s primary revenue comes from e-commerce, its Dallas store contributes almost 15% of the total revenue. The physical store provides an in-person Avara experience, essential for customer feedback and testing new ideas. It also supports other women-owned local businesses, aligning with Avara’s values.
The Role of a Dedicated Team
Emily Wickard acknowledges that Avara’s growth wouldn’t have been possible without a passionate and committed team. Avara’s employees are deeply invested in the brand’s identity and its mission to provide unique products and personalized experiences to clients. Their dedication has been a driving force behind Avara’s rapid success.
A Promising Future for Avara
Looking ahead, Avara plans to expand its influencer programs and double its private label designs, responding to customer requests and market gaps. With its commitment to authenticity, customer-centric approach, and innovative strategies, Avara’s future appears as promising as its remarkable journey from a dining room showroom to the pinnacle of e-commerce success.
Avara, a Dallas-based e-commerce women’s retailer, achieved the impressive feat of becoming the No. 1 fastest-growing e-commerce business in the U.S. in 2023. Founded by Emily Wickard in 2018, Avara’s success is attributed to its strategic use of social media, investment in e-commerce technology, and unwavering commitment to customer feedback. The company plans to continue expanding its influencer programs and doubling its private label designs to fuel future growth.
Hi, I’m Oren, founder at BIGINTRO, a content strategy agency that helps B2B companies drive growth. We develop search, social, PR, and content marketing strategies tailored to business goals. I also have a dog named Milo.