Hilton is embarking on an electrifying journey, solidifying its status as a pioneer in the hospitality industry by teaming up with Tesla to create the most extensive overnight electric vehicle (EV) charging network. This visionary project, set to roll out in early 2024, will see up to 20,000 Tesla Universal Wall Connectors installed at 2,000 Hilton hotels across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, establishing Hilton’s network as the largest of its kind among all hospitality companies.
Charging the Future: Hilton’s EV Charging Network
Hilton’s groundbreaking initiative aims to place at least six Tesla Universal Wall Connectors at each of the selected hotels, marking a significant leap forward in offering charging infrastructure for not only Tesla vehicles but also all North American EV models. Tesla’s Universal Wall Connector, launched this year at a retail price of $595, further extends Tesla’s mission to provide accessible charging for all EVs.
Hilton’s Vision for Travelers
Matt Schuyler, Chief Brand Officer at Hilton, expressed the brand’s unwavering commitment to meet evolving guest needs. He stated, “At Hilton, we are committed to meeting the changing needs of our guests who are looking for hotel experiences that complement their daily routines while offering exceptional hospitality.” Schuyler emphasized that this expanded partnership with Tesla represents a swift and substantial transformation of universal EV charging infrastructure across North America.
A Strategic Advantage
Hilton’s extensive geographic footprint, with hotels strategically located along highways and in key urban destinations, positions the company uniquely to provide broad charging access for travelers embarking on long-haul journeys.
Tesla’s Perspective on Charging
Rebecca Tinucci, Senior Director of Charging Infrastructure at Tesla, highlighted the importance of making low-cost, convenient AC charging accessible wherever EVs are parked for extended periods. Tinucci stated, “To ensure electric vehicle adoption at scale, our joint industry goal must be to vastly improve upon the traditional gasoline vehicle ownership experience, not just meet it.” She applauded Hilton for its leadership in this realm and looks forward to further expanding this pivotal program alongside other industry leaders.
Responding to Traveler Demand
The demand for EV chargers among travelers is undeniable, as evidenced by the sustained growth of searches on Hilton.com for hotels equipped with charging facilities. In 2023, the website’s EV charging search attribute demonstrated the fastest volume growth to date, catapulting from fourth to second place in converting searches into bookings.
Hilton’s dedication extends beyond guest experience to making a positive impact on the environment. Through its Travel with Purpose platform, Hilton provides sustainable options for travelers who prioritize reducing their environmental footprint.
Hilton is partnering with Tesla to create the largest overnight EV charging network in the hospitality industry. Starting in early 2024, up to 20,000 Tesla Universal Wall Connectors will be installed at 2,000 Hilton hotels across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, offering charging for Tesla and all North American EV models. This initiative responds to growing traveler demand for EV charging options and aligns with Hilton’s commitment to sustainability.
Hi, I’m Oren, founder at BIGINTRO, a content strategy agency that helps B2B companies drive growth. We develop search, social, PR, and content marketing strategies tailored to business goals. I also have a dog named Milo.